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When will south Wales be electrified?

Jonathan Edwards, Plaid Cymru: Seeking clarity for Wales’ railway lines
Jonathan Edwards, Plaid Cymru: Seeking clarity for Wales’ railway lines
Jonathan Edwards, Plaid Cymru: Seeking clarity for Wales’ railway lines

AN URGE for clarification on the delays to the rail lines in South Wales have been suggested by Plaid Cymru, after Network Rail confirmed the electrification of some routes in South England are running four years behind schedule.

Near the end of 2015, the Labour Economy Minister said that the completion of the Great Western Main Line between London and Cardiff will take place 2019-2024, but reports say the electrification of the line to Bristol is expected to be finished by 2020, which would impact Wales’ electrification project suggesting that even longer delays will be caused.

Plaid Cymru’s Treasury spokesman, Jonathan Edwards MP accepts that there are problems elsewhere, but they must not lead to further delays in Wales. The south Wales mainline project have already seen delays of two years.

Jonathan Edwards told the Herald: “These reports raise serious concerns that the project in Wales is going to be put back even further. The electrification of the south Wales mainline was originally to happen next year, and it’s already been pushed back to 2019. Both the Conservative UK government and the Labour government in Wales need to tell us what’s going on – is Wales going to miss out even further?”

Network Rail are currently installing new signalling technology to improve stations from the Severn tunnel through to Swansea. They will then be electrifying the South Wales railway, starting in 2019.

Network Rail explained: “Our upgrade of signalling and stations paves the way for electrifying the south Wales route. Electric trains are faster, quieter and greener than diesel trains, with 20 to 35 per cent less CO2 emissions. They are also cheaper to run because of lower fuel and maintenance costs. When electrification is complete, south Wales will have a modern, efficient and sustainable railway fit for the 21st century.”

Electrifying routes on the railway holds a range of advantages including faster, greener, quieter, and more reliable journeys for its passengers, claim Network Rail saying, “Electrification will improve services and help support economic growth across many of our cities and towns. It will bring more seats on trains and improved reliability on some of the busiest routes.”

Electric trains have a higher number of seats than diesel trains of same length, and train journey times will be reduced as the electric trains have superior performance of electric traction, which will also help journeys be smoother and more comfortable. They also cause a reduced amount of carbon emissions than its diesel predecessors, which will help improve the quality of air in pollution hot spots such as city centres. Electric trains are also quieter, which will help improve the quality of life of people affected by living so close to the railway.

Jonathan Edwards MP added: “The electrification of the rail line is a necessary upgrade that will be important to the economy. It should be a priority, but it’s clearly an afterthought for the Tories in London whilst the Labour Government in Wales has failed to keep Wales on top of the agenda. This is a double let down.

“The people of Wales who voted for the Conservative government on the basis of this manifesto commitment will be questioning whether it’s going to keep its promise at all.”

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