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SOSSPAN oppose hospital bed reduction

HYWEL DDA Health Board is again revisiting its plans for the delivery of services and is in the process of having a consultation over the creation of a Major Trauma Unit in Glangwili Hospital, based on the recent additions to the hospital.

The idea is to create several Trauma Units across South Wales including the current units at Swansea and Cardiff. The new Trauma Unit in Glangwili would eventually be transferred to the proposed hospital to be built in the West near St Clears in a few years.

Cllr John Prosser said: “SOSPPAN have talked to the Health Board regarding this new initiative and have certain concerns regarding the process involved.

“It has also come to SOSPPAN’s notice that there is a move afoot to reduce the number of beds across Hywel Dda and this is something that we are opposed to as a short-sighted measure. These beds should be used for recuperation.

To discuss these points, SOSPPAN is meeting up shortly with the Steve Moore, Chief Executive of Hywel Dda, to ensure that the people of Llanelli are safeguarded in these new developments to improve the current situation.

We asked the Board to respond to SOSSPAN’s concerns.

Libby Ryan-Davies, Transformation Director, added: “In the longer term, the Health Board has committed through our Transformation programme to re-purposing some of our hospitals so that we can provide more step-down and recuperative care in the community, as close to patients’ homes as possible.

“Some estimates suggest that the needs of up to 40% of people who are currently in a hospital bed could be met in a community bed or their bed if services are available to support this.

“Our community and primary care strategies are to address this issue so that those who really need hospital resources can access it rapidly and can move from the hospital as soon as they no longer require that level of care.

“The strategy is also aimed at meeting the needs of those who currently have no other option but to attend hospital, even though their needs could be met in the community if services were available. We will continue to engage constructively and proactively with all local stakeholders, including SOSPPAN, as this programme develops and matures.”

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The Board is also considering the use of ‘surge beds’ in the area’s existing hospitals.
To meet demand at different times of the year, hospital teams may take operational decisions to open and staff extra “surge” beds, where possible, so that the Board can be flexible at times of peak pressure.

