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New restaurant without planning permission incurs council’s wrath

Lawrenny (Pic: Google Street View)

RETROSPECTIVE plans to convert a workshop and offices in a south Pembrokeshire village to a restaurant, office and therapy room have incurred the ire of the local community council.

An application before Pembrokeshire Coast National Park planners, by Amber Lort-Phillips, of Potting Shed Retreats Ltd, seeks permission for the change of use of The Old Potting Shed, Lawrenny.

The retrospective works were undertaken in October 2021, the application states, adding: “All neighbours approached and involved in discussions to ensure they are happy with plans.”

The application, to be considered by Park planners at a later date, has earned the ire of local community council Martletwy, when it considered the scheme.

A statement before park planners said: “Councillors unanimously expressed disappointment at receipt of another retrospective planning application. Especially with regard to this application in light of the works having been completed.

“There was general consensus among councillors at their dissatisfaction with regard the continued blatant disregard for planning process.  Councillors were mindful of the consent already given with regard to 39 additional properties in the village of Lawrenny and the traffic assessment required during the application process for this enlargement of the village.

“There were unanimous concerns regarding the need for a traffic assessment for the current application, and any additional impact to the village. It is believed this application will create a great deal more transient traffic which will make the highway much busier.

“Martletwy Community Council unanimously agreed they cannot support this application until further information has been provided, especially with regard to the impact of the additional traffic linked to this application.”

Initial concerns to the scheme had been raised by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Highways, recommending refusal on the grounds of a lack of adequate parking, with fears of potential congestion on the narrow nearby road.

Amended plans led to a change in recommendation, to conditional approval, as the number of parking spaces was increased to 13, including one disabled parking space and two cycle stands.

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The application will be considered by national park planners at a later date.
