RESIDENTS have been helping to shape the future of Swansea by contributing to a new plan that aims to make the city an even better place to live and work in.
Their views, ideas and hopes have helped the Swansea Public Services Board to develop its newly-adopted Local Well-being Plan which sets out how service providers can work together to improve well-being.
The board has four statutory members – Swansea Bay University Health Board, Natural Resources Wales, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and Swansea Council – but also involves other organisations that have an interest in the well-being of the area such as South Wales Police and Swansea Council for Voluntary Service.
Swansea Council deputy leader Andrea Lewis, who is chair of the board, said the partners would now work together to implement the plan to benefit all residents.
She added: “Well-being is about working together to make Swansea a place which is prosperous, where our natural environment is appreciated and sustained and where every person can have the best start in life, get a good job, live well, age well and have every opportunity to be healthy, happy, safe and the best they can be.
“The plan sets out how public services in Swansea like the health service, the Council, Mid & West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Natural Resources Wales will work together so that families and communities can create opportunities and make the most of them.
“We asked citizens, service users, experts, staff, managers, children and leaders for their advice and support to help put the plan together. Their responses strengthened the plan and helped ensure it will be fit for the future.
“Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation.
“We are looking forward to us all working together to bring this plan to life for the benefit of everyone.”