PUBLIC toilets in the Castle Lake Car Park, Haverfordwest were subject to an arson attack on Friday night, January 8.
It has been reported that a fire was started in the ladies’ toilets, which caused extensive smoke damage. Every cubicle, the floor space, ceiling and communal area were left badly damaged. One of the toilets was also destroyed and one of the plastic bins was found melted onto the floor. The vandalism was discovered by a cleaner on Saturday morning and the toilets were immediately closed for repairs and cleaning to be carried out.
The ladies toilets re-opened on Tuesday morning thanks to a prompt response from staff at Danfo, theorganisation which Pembrokeshire County Council contracted to run public toilets across the County. The County Council praised Danfo for their quick reaction, and has also asked for anyone with information on the crime to contact Dyfed Powys Police by calling 101.
Cllr Huw George, Cabinet Member for Environmental and Regulatory Services, said it was: “mindless vandalism for the amusement of a few” and had incurred a significant cost to the public purse. “We’d like anyone who has any information on this incident to get in touch with the police,” he said. “This crime had implications for the local community, and the money spent repairing and cleaning the toilets came from funds that would otherwise have been used to invest in, improve or repair other toilet facilities in the County.” “Like many other authorities, the County Council is facing severe budgetary pressures, and episodes like these are unhelpful to say the least.”
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