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Pembrokeshire plans four-week return to school

PEMBROKESHIRE County Council aims to ensure the last day of the school term will be July 24.

Neighbouring councils Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion will end the school term on July 17, after failing to reach an agreement with unions to extend the scheduled end of the term by five working days and give children the chance to catch up and prepare for the start of the next school year.

The Council said it has taken the decision to support a four-week return after canvassing local schools.

However, the decision will be kept under review by the Council as it awaits confirmation from Welsh Government on the dates of the second week of October half-term.

It will also be subject to review in case of an increase in the R number should that occur.

The local authority will continue to work with individual schools, their governing bodies and school unions.

Schools will publicise individual pupil arrangements with parents.

